instrument leasing

what do you get?

⭐ Top brand instruments. A new or gently-used instrument in perfect playing condition.

⭐ Free maintenance. Any time during the lease, you can bring your instrument in for cleaning, adjustment and replacement of worn parts at no charge.

⭐ Preferred customer purchase price. If you decide you want to own the instrument, we make it available at a special price, with a commitment to no price increases.

⭐ Optional damage insurance. Accidents happen. Instruments are occasionally dropped or damaged. We offer insurance that provides complete coverage up to the purchase price of the instrument.

why choose cadenza?

⭐ It’s the economical choice. Most music stores offer rent-to-own, trial purchase plans with a seemingly low monthly rate. With these plans, you are actually buying the instrument, and the purchase price is higher than what you would pay if you simply bought it outright. Moreover, there are extra charges -  interest, maintenance, or service fees - adding to the already inflated price. Our plan separates the “rent” from the “own” and lets you be a smart shopper for both.

⭐ Instruments are top quality. Every new or gently-used instrument we lease has been checked by one of Cadenza’s professional repair technicians and adjusted to perfect playing condition. Even new instruments need to be adjusted to play properly, and our shop play-tests ALL instruments.

⭐ A solid beginning on a lifetime of music. Cadenza’s lease term encourages children to stick with the program. Young musicians need time to learn new skills, and a trial period of 90 days is not enough. Our lease makes it economical to commit for a school year, giving your child a strong foundation to build their love of music.